It can be done as closed reduction, which may not require surgery to treat displaced fracture, or it may be treated surgically as open reduction.Surgery for displaced fracture may be planned in some cases of displaced fracture where the injury is severe, there is large degree of displacement, it is an open fracture with severe injuries or there are non-healing wounds in displaced fracture.Most cases of displaced fracture, if treated properly in time, may heal well within 4 to 6 months.
A displaced fracture is when a bone breaks into two or more pieces and moves in such a way that the two ends are no longer lined up straight. However, in displaced fracture, the parts of bone not only break but also move from their place and don’t remain correctly aligned.Displaced fracture often results from trauma and is a very painful condition. Nerves may also be damaged and this will be indicated by numbness, tingling or a burning sensation.Treatment of a displaced fracture usually includes providing first aid to the wound if there is one, preserving all the parts of the bone and preventing further damage as well protecting nearby structures which could get injured. If the bone is in many pieces, it is called a comminuted fracture. Open fracture is a fracture in which the broken parts of bone cut through the skin and an open wound can be noted over the skin. Some people also have brittle bones because of medication and slight force or simple falls can lead to fractures.There are many types of displaced fracture. Proper rehabilitation with physical therapy is key to regain normal function and improving flexibility and strength.Welcome to Straight From the Doc. Nonoperative Treatment of Displaced Fractures of the Upper and Lower Extremity.
II. Sports injuries or direct trauma in adventure sports is also a common cause of displaced fracture, which can result in considerable pain and discomfort.Another possible cause of displaced fracture is breaking of weak bones. Anti-biotics may be given depending on the type of wound to prevent infections. Mal-union and non-union of fractures, infection, Proper timely treatment and appropriate rehabilitation can help in complete recovery in displaced fracture. This usually includes cleaning, dressing and debridement of wound with necessary medications and anti-septic precautions. As the broken parts of bones move from their place, the sharp edges can cause damage to the neighboring structures or internal organs.
It is necessary that emergency cases of displaced fracture receive immediate medical care, correct diagnosis and prompt treatment to prevent complications of displaced fracture.This article on has been reviewed by a medical professional, as well as checked for facts, to assure the readers the best possible accuracy.We follow a strict editorial policy and we have a zero-tolerance policy regarding any level of plagiarism.
Timely treatment of displaced fracture is essential and may be a little challenging too.Displaced fracture can be a very complicated condition and there can be many causes of displaced fracture. Displaced, comminuted: A fracture where the bones are broken in several fragments and are not aligned.
When your bone snaps into two or more parts, this is called a displaced fracture.
This makes displaced fracture a serious condition, which must be assessed carefully.
When something hit your bone forcefully, you can develop many different types of fractures, including open, closed, non-displaced, and displaced fracture.