Show More Sentences The bright rays of the rising sun filtered through a stained glass window at the room's far end, revealing the large amounts of … 38. 69.
synonyms. It's difficult to see revealing in a sentence . Lightning revealed Jonny's face. That skirt is much too But no issue area was treated in a more baffling, and The Genographic Project was launched in 2005 as a research project in collaboration with scientists and universities around the world with a goal of Revealing confidential information to a rival company could land you in serious trouble with your boss. 5. revealing in a sentence - Use Daylight makes sin by revealing it. I revealed her mate to her. 7. 6. How to use revealing in a sentence. Tonight at six, the news station will be revealing the name of the million dollar jackpot winner. At last the existence of a continent divided by a vast stretch of ocean from Asia, and mostly lying within the sphere of influence assigned to Spain by the pope, was gave France a strong motive for assailing the Spaniards in the New World now Algonquin-Iroquois Canada, thanks to the Geological Survey and the Department of Education in Ontario, has But the retention of the story without modification may imply a continuous recognition through some centuries of the idea that Yahweh It has to be established on the Roman Catholic side that faith (or dogma; the two are inseparable) deals with divine truths historically The same council defines not indeed dogma but faith - inseparable from dogma - as4 (1) Then he caused an alarm to be sounded; whereupon the girls fled, but Achilles seized the arms, and so These semi-separatists still set great store by the church-covenant, in which they bound themselves " to walk together in all God's ways and ordinances, according as He had already Claviere called his attention to the Wealth of Nations, and the study of that work Christians have no standing in the Old Testament prophecies, and their talk of a resurrection that was only But the Synoptists, especially Mark, give the slow steps in even the apostles' realization of Jesus' Messianic character; only at Caesarea Philippi Simon alone, for the first time, clearly discerns it, Jesus declaring that His Father has In later times, as is proved by the Minaean colony in Al-`01a, which Euting has A minute scrutiny of his papers, lasting nearly six weeks, Thus the latter seemed to them simply to bring forgiveness of past sins for Christ's sake, and then an enhanced moral responsibility to the New Law The company which took up the mining was unsuccessful, and boring ceased in 1901, but the work was resumed by the Consolidated Kent Collieries Corporation, and an extension of borings Making common cause against the French to determine the control of the Ohio valley, the unsuspected strength of the colonists was In the years1880-1881Lord Selborne wrote to his son a series of letters on religious subjects, dealing in an elementary way with natural and there was a revelation of the righteousness of God, which must otherwise have been Any convection of that medium could be tested by the change of effective velocity of light, which would be Pradier and Chaponniere, the sculptors; Arlaud, Diday and Calame, the artists; Mallet, who Their ideal was a return to that simplicity of primitive Christendom which they believed they found The reason for this punishment is not mentioned in Homer, and is obscure; according to some, he had The names attached to them are those of the seers who "saw" them, to whom they were It simply means that a certain religious and philosophical tendency, which grew up slowly on Greek soil, was already implanted in those who occupied the vantage-ground of a In his Institutes of Theology, no material modification is attempted on the doctrines of Calvinism,which he received with all simplicity of faith as Following Cuvier's Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles, the rich succession of Tertiary mammalian life was gradually Non-committal as regards evolution, he vastly broadened the field of vertebrate palaeontology by his descriptions of the extinct fauna of England, of South America (including especially the great edentates In the face of the continuous series of characters and types " Jesus saith, Everything that is not before thy face and that which is hidden from thee shall be The spectrum will be straight if the twoprismsaresimilar in dispersive property, but if one of them is con structed of a material which possesses any peculiarity in this respect it will be Having been provided, in August 1610, by Ernest, archbishop of Cologne, with one of the new Galilean instruments, Kepler began, with unspeakable delight, to observe the wonders Already the members of this class show a strong tendency to bind themselves together in gilds (collegia, sodalitates), and the existence of countless associations of the kind is The cup is not the blood of Jesus, but the holy vine of David, Hincmar of Reims and Haimo of Halberstadt, took the side of Paschasius, and affirmed that the substance of the bread and wine is changed, and that God leaves the colour, taste and other outward properties out of mercy to the worshippers, who would be overcome with dread if the underlying real flesh and blood were nakedly The coastal plain, however, is the result, not of a single recent uplift, but of movements dating back to Tertiary time and continued with many oscillations to the present; nor is its surface smooth and unbroken, for erosion began upon the inner part of the plain long before the outer border was The present fame of Lourdes is entirely associated with this grotto, where the Virgin Mary is believed in the Roman Catholic world to have It was born during the era of the American Civil War, and was planned to correct defects which time had Secondly, since different scribes are prone to different kinds of error, we must ever bear in mind the particular failings of the scribes responsible for the transmission of our text as these failings are It disposes of the charges brought against Christians for secret crimes (incest, &c.) and public offences (contempt of the State religion and high treason), and asserts the absolute superiority of Christianity as a The real order of Aristotle's philosophy is that of Aristotle's mind, Then Sherman began his famous " march to the sea," from Atlanta to Savannah, which Aristotle's vague knowledge of the worm may have been derived from information acquired by the Greeks with Alexander the Great; but long before this time raw silk must have begun to be imported at Cos, where it was woven into a gauzy tissue, the famous Coa vestis, which The announcement of the first discoveries made through the application of spectroscopy, then called spectrum analysis, appealed to the imagination of the scientific world because it This half-success in a subordinate sphere was, however, so far from coinciding with his aspirations that he had again, in the winter of 1821, begun to turn his attention towards missionary labour in the East, when the possibility of fulfilling the dream of his life was suddenly In 1881 he was chosen as Baird lecturer, and took for his subject "Natural Elements of 16), and by Clematius, a citizen of Cologne, to whom the virgin martyrs of this city Christ, who had enlightened me, gave me His light to believe in; He gave me hope which He himself They rightly revolted against the inconsistencies of Kant's third and fourth positions about the existence of unknown but postulated things in themselves, hidden from theoretical, but At a stroke the author separates the new from the old, as belonging to a new "covenant" or order of God's Funeral Customs.