You will be rewarded with spectacular flowers borne on a skeleton of branches without foliage each year. PSEUDOBOMBAX ELLIPTICUM Shaving Brush Tree. May need pruning to form a small tree. Shaving Brush Tree. Mid-spring's newly emerging foliage is coppery red and slowly fades to dull green.
Pseudobombax ellipticum, best known as Bombax ellipticum, is a fabulously attractive fast-growing deciduous tree with a smooth caudiciform trunk, green and marbled with gray. The leaves are large and the tree provides good shade.Often the trunk has a tortoise shell texture in bright green. Bark Color Modifier
PSEUDOBOMBAX ELLIPTICUM Shaving brush tree Native to Mexico, the Shaving Brush is a large deciduous tree to about 30 feet suitable down to 20 degrees Desired for it's unique brush-like flowers in late winter, the leaves are an attraction as well.
It can reach 18 m in height, but usually much smaller to shrublike in tropical gardens. One source called the Pseudobombax Ellipticum “a spectacular heat-loving tree” so I’m keeping an eye on it to see what it will do next. Water Requirements
There, on my left, was a bare tree with puffs of white scattered all over it. This deciduous tree is native to dry woodlands across Mexico and Guatemala. Nectar in the flowers attracts perching birds and bats.
Fragrant Flowers
Growing Requirements: It likes full to partial sun.The Pseudobombax Ellipticum (Shaving Brush is SO much easier to say) is deciduous. Flower Petal Number
Allow plenty of soil space for root expansion for this large trunked tree. The more the potted tree is pruned, the larger the caudex will grow. Pseudobombax ellipticum, Shavingbrush Tree. I have a shaving brush tree, bombax ellipticum, it is two feet tall it has two very green leaves and a caudex that is an inch in diamiter. Foliage Sheen
Showy Foliage
Sun Exposure
Showy Fruit
Pseudobombax ellipticum.
Pseudobombax ellipticum Pseudobombax ellipticum, best known as Bombax ellipticum, is a fabulously attractive fast-growing deciduous tree with a smooth green caudiciform trunk that can reach 18(-20) m in height. Plant Type
Seasonal Interest
Shaving brush tree attains a wide, spreading, rounded canopy.
Texas Wild Olive Best way to id Flowers: Funnelform, crinkled petals, chalk-white with yellow center on terminal clusters. General Description. Articles I read recommended it for zones 9b – 11, and said the tree can survive temperatures in the high 20’s for very short periods of time but is best protected if temperatures drop below 32 degrees.Planted in good soil and fed and watered with some regularity, the tree can reach 50 -70 feet in height. The flowers are either white or a neon hot pink and do resemble the shaving brushes that gave the tree its nickname.After flowering, it will leaf out and that is the time to trim it.The new leaves are a rich red that fades to orange and bronze and finally settles into a deep green. Bark Texture
Sharp or Has Thorns
Alternating seasons of moisture and drought helps develop the bottle-shaped trunk. The fact that it loses its leaves in the winter and blooms before the leaves sprout explains the phenomenon I witnessed early in March. This species is highly drought and salt tolerant.
Foliage Texture
Commonly seen on roadways. I need to know how to prune so that the plant stays short and grows a large caudex any info will help. Pollinated flowers produce woody seed capsules with seeds embedded inside among brown, silky fibers. If kept potted and trimmed, the tree can be kept around 3' tall. Soil Drainage
Fruit Color
Helping You Become a More Successful Gardener
Tammy even sent pictures – looks like they’ve got about a dozen and some pink ones for sure.