It is also extremely low compared to nearby ZIP codes.
Stats and Demographics for the 18042 ZIP Code.
The number of people in their late 20s to early 40s is extremely large while the number of young adults is large. User reviews rate them four stars out of five.
Coverage from Viasat Internet (formerly Exede) and HughesNet, generally, will overlap.
There are also a small number of families and a large number of single parents.
For your convenience we have also indicated if that zip code in Easton observes Daylight Savings time. 18042 easton follows Eastern (GMT -05:00) time zone.
They have coverage in practically one hundred percent of Easton. The majority of household are owned or have a mortgage. Click here to initialize interactive map
Enterprise Providers PenTeleData.
Windstream provides copper service to 4.06% of the area.
Looking at 18042 real estate data, the median home value of $149,300 is slightly less than average compared to the rest of the country. This page shows a map with an overlay of Zip Codes for Easton, Northampton County, Pennsylvania.
Call to find the right internet solution for your business. Data sources include the United States Postal Service, U.S. Census Bureau, Yahoo, Google, FedEx, and UPS. Fixed wireless companies like NCN Data Networks LLC and satellite Internet providers including are also worth considering, but the main wired options are usually a stronger value so far as performance.The table above summarizes Easton internet providers with the greatest coverage locally.Contact us and we'll connect you with a broadband market expert on our team who can provide insights and data to support your work.We've found six libraries and public institutions that offer publicly funded internet access points in Easton. They are frequently overlapping and generally competing with each other. We've found and verified 399 Internet deals in the area around Easton since founding in 2014. speed averages are calculated from 154,162 local speed tests and meant for general provider comparison purposes, not to indicate maximum Internet speedsin the area. Users can easily view the boundaries of each Zip Code and the state as a whole.
Zip code 18045 is located in Easton, Pennsylvania. 18044 easton follows Eastern (GMT -05:00) time zone. Prices for rental property include ZIP code 18042 apartments, townhouses, and homes that are primary residences. Homes in ZIP code 18042 were primarily built in 1939 or earlier. Crown Castle Fiber provides fiber service to 5.46% of the area. Below is a list of Easton PA zip codes.For your research we have also included Easton Area Code, Time Zone, UTC and the local Northampton County FIPS Code. It is also compared to nearby ZIP codes. The area code for 18044 is 610 / 484.The total population for 18044 zip codes is 0 and covers total land area of 0 sq mi. EASTON PA Pennsylvania zip codes, maps, area codes, county, population, household income, house value,18042 Zip Code - It falls under northampton county of Northeast region and Middle Atlantic division. The preferred city may not be the city in which the ZIP is located. would like to have printed using the map on the page. 866-297-4429.
The median household income of $45,441 is compared to the rest of the country. There are 9 different elementary schools and high schools with mailing addresses in ZIP code 18042. The people living in ZIP code 18042 are primarily white.
CenturyLink Business provides fiber service to 2.84% of the area. most connected city in Pennsylvania ahead of Nazareth and Riegelsville, but behind Stewartsville, Bloomsbury, and Phillipsburg.of Easton residents are serviced by multiple wired providers.Is the zip code with the fastest average download speed in Easton.
The rent for 1 bedrooms is normally $750-$999/month including utilities.